HELP WITH PLAN SUBMITTALS Your design firm has spent months designing a building to serve client needs. ·The space meets aesthetic requirements. ·Rooms and open spaces function to create a positive work environment. ·Exterior windows complement interior lighting requirements ·Trades have integrated electrical and plumbing details into the building design. ·Fire Alarms & Sprinkler Contractors have submitted drawings. Are you ready for submittal? Have you truly integrated Fire and Life Safety into your design? In other words: Will the Fire Marshal like it? Add a fire code professional to your design team. Gregory J. Cahaninwas awarded a B.S. in Fire Protection over 45 years ago and holds a MPA. He has served as a Senior Life Safety Engineer with NFPA, the organization that writes Life Safety and Fire Protection Codes which are adopted in Florida as the Florida Fire Prevention Code. Greg is nationally recognized as a fire protection expert. He is nationally published on fire protection requirements in the codes and was a contributing editor on the 2006 edition of the International Building Code (IBC) Commentary (FBC in Florida). He currently serves on several code committees with both the NFPA and ICC. Greg has worked to resolve code issues throughout Florida and nationally with other city and state fire and building officials. Gregory J. Cahanin Fire & Code Consulting recent project work includes: Mahaffey Theater, St. Petersburg Sarasota Opera House, Sarasota Multiple Condominium Projects Church Renovations Opium Garden Club, Miami Beach Mansion Club, Miami Beach 75+ Hotel Evaluations for World Bank U.S. General Services Administration building work in Florida, Georgia, New York City, New Jersey
Plan Submittal and Review
Building Fire Plans Review come at a critical juncture in an Architectural Project.
Your firm has met its schedule in completing the design, costs have been adjusted to make the project viable,the clients funding is in place and a contractor has been selected to begin work.
Schedules are established witha window set aside for plans to be reviewed by the local building department.Rejection of plans that are incomplete or due to elements that do not comply with the Florida Building Code and Florida Fire Prevention Code requirements put all parties in limbo while drawings are revised and updated.
Project schedules begin to slip, site work is delayed and contractors may have to revise start dates and costs.
For many Architects and designers the tenants of Fire and Life Safety seem simple enough on the surface, but often result in rejected plans with untimely delays. Florida building and fire code requirements are complex with each code written by a different code body and committee process. There are conflicting requirements.